By: Umar Mujahid
In the story below, my friend had been betrayed by his own best friend and a libel’s victim. The intensity of pain for been betraying by one’s best friend — it exceeds other bereavements. It is challenging to even imagine what it means to forgive a person who betray his own friend thus becoming a libel’s victim.
The story begin…
It was a great day as the majestic sun shines brightly to the entire earth. All the birds were flying happily on the blue sky, while the trees were singing proudly as the wind blow softly to the ground. On that day, Hadi had woke up early in the morning to prepare for the classes in his university. Shamsul Hadi, a well-known name among students of Insaniah University College. He was a very kind-hearted person, responsibility, friendly and had leadership quality. He had became the President of Students Representative Council after won in the Campus Leadership Selection. He was studied there for 3 years in Kuliyyah of Syariah Law. Besides, he always being the best model for all students. Hadi had many friends and among of them, there was a person name, Burhan who was always close with him since they were grown together.
One day, Hadi planned to go back home to visit his family in Perak. He rode a train direcly to his hometown after took a seat beside a pretty woman. Actually, he tried to avoid sat beside her, but unfortunately there were no vacancy in other seats. During the long journey, he felt asleep in the train but suddenly an unpredictable incident happened where there was a thief who tried to steal the woman’s bagpack. Hadi realized that situation and tried to stop the thief but they had a hardly fought in the train until the thief got to run away. Shamsul Hadi got wounded in his right palm in that fought, while the woman try to stop the wounded by wrapping it with her handkerchief.
“Thanks for your help, I am really appreciate,” she thanked Hadi for his kindness and saved her life from the thief.
After a long journey in the train, Hadi arrived in Perak together with the woman beside him. Her name was Ayatul Husna and she was the younger daughter of Deputy Dean of Insaniah University College. He just know about that after have some “ice-breaking” with her during the journey. Ayatul Husna who was a new student of the same university had admired with Hadi’s attitude and started to like him. However, she just conceal her feeling deeply in the heart.
Day after day, their relationship became closer and they used to get known each other since they were in the same kulliyyah. They also had group discussion together with other members to finished their assignments and for some tasks. Burhan, the best friend of Hadi started to jealous of their close relationship because he was deeply admired to Husna for a long time. He never expected that they will got to known each other in short period. Hence, he started to come out with a bad plan to separate them.
During the weekend, Burhan invited Hadi to have some breakfast together, but he intentionally left his purse in his room and asked Hadi to get it for him. Behind the scene, Burhan had made a trap especially to caught Hadi as a thief who tried to stole money of students.
Its okay, I’ll get it for you. Just stay here okay!” said Hadi without refuse and went to Burhan’s room to get the purse.
When he got Burhan’s purse in his locker, two students appear behind the door and saw that incident. They had spread out the news to all students that Hadi was the thief that they were looking for recently. Hadi was trapped on that moment and felt disappointed with his best friend, Burhan who do not told the truth behind this case.
That day, Hadi was brought to the Students Division Unit where his father had been waiting for him. He slapped Hadi for his mistakes without any doubt.
“How could you do this to me? You really had ashamed us,” said Hadi’s father in disappointed way.
None of words came out from his mouth. He just felt very sad because his father do not put trust in his own son. After had a long discussion with the Head of Students Division Unit, Hadi was punished to stop his study there. He felt ashamed on what had happened to him and swear on not forgave all of them for their misunderstood. However, Burhan was really happy to hear that news and never felt guilty on what he did to his best friend.
After thinking twice, Hadi decided to run away from his house to be independent and survived by his own because he thought it will became worse if he stayed at home. However, her mother and sister really believed that Hadi won’t do such a crime mistake. They felt more sad when they got a letter from Hadi after he left home. Husna who was surprised to hear that news felt sorry for his family and believed that he was not guilty at all. After few days, Hadi walked by his own to the other places to find some job as his money will be finished soon. He tried to find any job vacancies in the newspaper, flyers and advertisements, but none of them were suitable for him. Suddenly, he heard a news that a wealth family wanted an “Ustaz” to teach their daughter on the recitation of Al-Quran. He took the opportunity and went to their villa in Penang.
“Alhamdulillah,” he thanked Allah for gave him the opportunity to work as an “Ustaz” at that villa after the family agreed to receive him as their daughter’s teacher.
There, he needed to teach their daughter with the recitation of Al-Quran as well as from Iqro’. Della, a nice name of a cute kid who will learn with Ustaz Hadi. She was only 6 years old and tended to learn well by the guidance of Hadi. Hadi was really responsible in his work and always punctual in time. On top of that, he also taught Della about some basic things in Islam. Della’s parent were really happy to see their daughter’s change and can read Iqro’ fluently. They hope Della will become a “Solehah” daughter in the future. Hadi was also grateful because Allah had met him with a kind-hearted parents and a wise daughter to experience a new life after the unforgettable ‘nigthmare’.
Finally, the truth revealed when the university found out the actual situation behind their accusation to Shamsul Hadi before. Burhan’s plan destroyed after his two friend who had captured Hadi on the incident betrayed him and told the truth to the Students Divison Unit. Burhan was caught by his own crime and stopped from his study there. They felt sorry on what had they did to Hadi before and guilty on the incident. Hadi’s family was also regret after what they had did to him and tried to find him to tell the news.
Hadi had became a “Celebrity Ustaz” after he got an offer to give some talk in a programme. His family surprised to see Hadi as the celebrity ustaz who was giving talk in the television. They felt proud of him and planned to ask the Television Department on Hadi’s location.
While Hadi was taught Della, two cars appeared in front of the villa. Hadi surprised when he saw his family together with the Head of Student Division Unit came to meet him. Without thinked much, he hug and kissed his mother to ask for her forgiveness because never back for a long time after left the house. Her mother told him the truth story about the news and what had happened to Burhan. They asked his forgiveness for their mistakes before and hope that he can continue to study in the university. However, Hadi was a kind-hearted person and he had forgot that incident as just a ‘nightmare’. He forgave all of them and decided to get marry with Husna after finish his study soon.
Do you really think that Hadi will forgive Burhan’s fault? If you are in Hadi’s situation, will you forgive all of them who had accused you for other’s mistake?
The End
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